2020年2月13日 星期四

「譯得之見」七月.July(外國詩)Edward Thomas


Naught moves but clouds, and in the glassy lake
萬籟俱寂 惟有浮雲 平湖如鏡

Their doubles and the shadow of my boat
行雲有影  隨船影搖曳波光起

The boat itself stirs only when I break
扁舟悠蕩  唯持一篙煙水點開

This drowse of heat and solitude afloat
情思昏昏溽暑天  遣漫漫寂寥

To prove if what I see be bird or mote
極目所及  欲辨歸鳥亦或浮塵

Or learn if yet the shore woods be awake
欲知曉  湖畔林梢幽芳醒睡思

Long hours since dawn grew, spread, and passed on high
晨曦初起 曉日長天 晴空如洗

And deep below, I have watched the cool reeds hung
碧波深處  凝睇蕭森蘆葦初凋

Over images more cool in imaged sky
映入縹緲水雲間  更添清涼意

Nothing there was worth thinking of so long
玉漏長如歲  物我兩忘共悠悠

All that the ring-doves say, far leaves among
離葉依依迷遠樹  聞斑鳩私語

Brims my mind with content thus still to lie
且高臥聆聽  漫將詩心訪此景

Poem: July
Writer: Edward Thomas (1878-1917, 英國詩人)
Translator: Irice You
