Naught moves but clouds, and in the glassy lake
萬物靜謐 惟有流雲 晶瑩的湖泊
Their doubles and the shadow of my boat
雲影緩移 浮泛著舟影
The boat itself stirs only when I break
扁舟輕蕩 我用槳兒劃破
This drowse of heat and solitude afloat
沉沉的炎熱 和迷離的寂寞
To prove if what I see be bird or mote
為了辨認 望見的是鳥或纖塵
Or learn if yet the shore woods be awake
為了探明 湖畔樹林是否蘇醒
Long hours since dawn grew, spread, and passed on
晨曦早已微明 彌漫 飄向晴空
And deep below, I have watched the cool reeds hung
又溶於碧波 我久久凝視冷冷的蘆葦
Over images more cool in imaged sky
影入雲天毿毿的水中 涼意更濃
Nothing there was worth thinking of so long
在這悠悠的時光 物我兩忘
All that the ring-doves say, far leaves among
遠處樹叢 班尾鴿禺禺細語
Brims my mind with content thus still to lie
我靜臥啼聽 恍惚置身仙境
Poem: July
Writer: Edward Thomas (1878-1917, 英國詩人)
Translator: 宗白華 (1897-1986, 中國詩人暨美學家)