2020年7月13日 星期一

「譯得之見」被你喜歡將是大災大難(美國詩)Marianne Moore


       攻擊遠比和睦更辛辣有味 但當
       你坦率地告訴我 希望舚脣品嘗
       將我的身心 踩在腳底下感覺時
       我知道自己大錯特錯 眼下只能
       舉起武器 躬身告退

       姿態 是語言的一半
       讓出鞘的姿態 成為
       銅牆鐵壁 好讓你百般殷勤碰壁
       因為聽到的隻字片語 對你雖是
       闃然無聲 在我卻是

Writer: 瑪麗安.穆爾 (1887-1972,美國現代派女詩人)
Translator: Irice You

To Be Liked by You Would Be a Calamity

“Attack is much more piquant than concord”, but when
You tell me frankly that you would like to feel
My flesh beneath your feet,
I’m all abroad; I can but put my weapon up, and
Bow you out.

Gesticulation – it is half the language.
Let unsheathed gesticulation be the steel
Your courtesy must meet,
Since in your hearing words are mute, which to my senses
Are a shout.

—— Marianne Moore
