2010年12月12日 星期日

「英詩」無暇心靈之永恆陽光_Alexander Pope


How happy is the blameless vestal's lot!

The world forgetting, by the world forgot
忘懷塵世 亦為世人所忘卻

Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind

Each prayer accepted, and each wish resigned
接納每一次祈禱 捐棄每一個企望

原文詩名:Eloisa To Abelard
節選詩名:Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind(取自原詩 Eloisa To Abelard 第 207-210 行)
作者:Alexander Pope(1688-1744,英國詩人、散文家、文學批評家暨翻譯家,擅長翻譯 Ilion 與 Odyssey 之文學作品)
譯者:Irice You

Note: The poem Eloisa To Abelard is an Ovidian heroic epistle inspired by the 12th-century story of He'loise's illicit love for, and secret marriage to, her teacher Pierre Abe'lard, perhaps the most popular teacher and philosopher in Paris, and the brutal vengeance her family exacts when they castrate him, even though the lovers had married.
